Can New Year resolutions be two weeks late? Or is it ever too late to make a resolution? No, I don't think so. Let's see what I've come up with this year.
1. Write in the blog at least once a week. But more would be alright, too.
2. Concentrate on a speaking ministry, especially for the next two weeks, as I need to get a One Sheet perfected.
3. Commit to cleaning out/up one location a week in my house. Such as a drawer, a closet, a collection of "stuff" ("stuff" not to include the quilting fabric.) (Actually, I've cleaned out two things this week! Yay me!)
There are more things in a very personal way I have committed to but I'm not prepared to share all those with you today. Suffice it to say, if I can keep all these personal resolutions on top of the others I've listed, I should be a very well rounded person come December, 2012!
We'll see.